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Occupied Palestinian Territory within the Current Regional Context
Land Use/Land Cover of the West Bank, 2008
Land Use/ Land Cover of the Gaza Strip, 2005
Geopolitical Map of the West Bank, 2009
Geopolitical Map of Gaza Strip, 2009
West Bank Digital Terrain Map, 2009
Gaza Strip Digital Elevation Map, 2009
Soil Map of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, 2009
Geological Map of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, 2009
Demography Maps
Palestinian Population of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, 1997 and 2007
Palestinian Population Density over Total Area of the West Bank, 2007
Palestinian Population Density over Total Area of the Gaza Strip, 2007
Palestinian Population Density over Built up Area of West Bank, 2007
Palestinian Population Density over Built up Area of Gaza Strip, 2007
Palestinian Population Density over Area A, B, C of the West Bank, 2007
Distribution of Palestinian Localities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory by Locality Type, 2007
Household Size in the Occupied Palestinian Territory 1997-2007
Socio Economic Maps
Socio Economic Maps
Unemployment and Poverty Rates in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, 1997 – 2008
Percentage of Employed Persons by Place of Work and Unpaid Family Member in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, 2008
Average Daily Wages, Consumer and Food Price Index in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, (1996 - 2008)
Dependency Ratio and Percentage of Households with Respect to the Source of Income, (1997 and 2007)
Percent of Change in Average Food Price and Source of Origin for Selected Food Commodities in the oPt, 2005 – 2009
Average Stable Food Price in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, 2005-2009
Average Prices of Fruits and Vegetables in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, 2005-2009
Average Price of Meat in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, 2005-2009
Domestic Water Use in the West Bank, 2007
Agriculture Maps
Percentage of Employed Persons by Place of Work and Unpaid Family Member in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, 2008
Agricultural Lands Ownership in the West Bank, 2009
Livestock holding in the West Bank, 2009
Cultivated Area, Production and Value Added of Plant Sector in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, 2006/2007
Number of Ruminants in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, 2006/2007
Number of Poultry in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, 2006/2007
Amount, Value of Production and Changes in Olive Trees Land Area (1997/1998-2006/2007)
Distribution of Olive Trees and Percent of Olive Trees Land Area in the West Bank, 2006/2007
Education Maps
Literacy, Enrolment and Drop out Rates in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, 1997/ 2007
Educational Attainment in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, 1997/ 2007
Distribution of Schools, Students and Density in the Class Room in the West Bank, 2007/2008
Distribution of Schools, Students and Density in the Class Room in the Gaza Strip, 2007/2008
Enviroment Maps
Water Born Diseases by Governorate, 2007
Quality of Domestic Water Resources in the West Bank, 2007
Average Annual Rainfall
Average Annual Rainfall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, (2001 - 2009)
Aridity Index of the West Bank, 1998
Available Water by Governorate in the West Bank, 2008
Water Needed Consumed, Real Deficit and Losses by Governorate in the West Bank, 2008
Daily Per Capita Domestic Water Supply by Governorate in the West Bank, 2008
Connection to Water Network by Governorate and Locality, 2007
Domestic Water Vulnerability by Governorate, 2007
Open Space with Little or no Vegetation, Forest, Shrubs and/ or Herbaceous Vegetation, 2008
Forests and Nature Reserves in the West Bank
Waste Water Discharge and Per Capita Generation the West Bank, 2007
Connection to Wastewater Network by Village Boundary, 2007
Risks Maps
Land use land Cover Area Isolated by West Bank Barrier, 2008
Distribution of the Palestinian Locality behind the West Bank Barrier and their Population, 2007
Population Density Comparison between Palestinians and Israeli Settlers in the West Bank 2007/2008
Settlement Built-up Expansion on Agricultural Areas in the West Bank between the Years 1996 and 2006
Confiscated Lands and Uprooted Trees in the West Bank, (2000 - 2009)
Mobility Restrictions in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, 2009
Mobility and Access to Work Place in the West Bank, 2009
Israeli Security Zones in the Gaza Strip, 1994-2007
Location of Destroyed Sites by Type as a Result to the Israeli Attack in the Gaza Strip, 2008-2009
Destroyed Agriculture Lands by Type as a Result to the Israeli Attack in the Gaza Strip, 2008-2009
Nutrition Maps
Percentage of Children under Five who Suffer Malnutrition in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, (2004 and 2006)
Anemia Among Children and Pregnant Women in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, 2007
Households Consuming Iodized Salt and Daily Intake in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, 2005 – 2007
Health Maps
Percentage of Births (Below 2.5 Kg) and Infant Mortality Rate in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, 2006/ 2007
Distribution and Ratio of Hospitals and Beds in the West Bank, 2006/ 2007
Distribution and Ratio of Hospitals and Beds in the Gaza Strip, 2006/ 2007
Percentage of Disability/ Difficulties of Palestinian Population in the West Bank, 2007
Food Security Maps
Food Security
Food Security Levels in the West Bank, 2009
Comparison between Food Security Levels in the West Bank, 2009
Food Security Levels in the Gaza Strip, 2009
Comparison between Food Security Levels in the Gaza Strip, 2009
Food Consumption Score in the West Bank, 2009
Wealth Index Quintiles in the West Bank, 2009
Wealth Index Quintiles in the West Bank - Poorest, 2009
Type of Assistance Received in the West Bank, 2009
Families Received and Need Assistance in the West Bank, 2009
Coping Strategy for Sustainable Livelihood in the West Bank - Expenditures on Life Sectors, 2009
Coping Strategy for Sustainable Livelihood in the West Bank - Food Expenditure Reduce, 2009
Long Term Coping Strategy for sustainable livelihood in the West Bank, 2009